April is a month when we warm ourselves by celebrating poetry and libraries. It is National Poetry Month, and while libraries are assigned only one week in the middle of the month, the Friends celebrate libraries all year.
Poetry Circles meet every month in our library branches and books of poetry abound on library shelves. The Friends are very pleased to financially support the establishment of the Santa Cruz County Youth Poet Laureate program initiated by Santa Cruz County Poet Laureate, Farnaz Fatemi. Congratulations to the first Santa Cruz County Youth Poet Laureate, Dina Lusztig Noyes. Finalists Madeline Aliah, Simon Ellefson, Sylvi Kayser, and Gregory Souza also amazed the selection committee with their work.
Poetry is not the only reason to gather at the library. Job Searching, Guitar Club, Game Zone, Minecraft, Tai Chi, Mah Jongg, Bridge, and even Learning How to Make Sauerkraut draw people to our busy branches. See the calendars for all branches at santacruzpl.org/branches.
But it is all about the books, right? Book clubs, author talks, literacy training like Tales to Tails and R.E.A.D tutoring offer meaningful library experiences. We can’t forget that the books themselves are at the Library’s heart. As Margaret Atwood reminds us: “A word after a word after a word is power.”
How does so much happen at our libraries? YOUR consistent ongoing support is critical. Monthly and annual donations along with gifts in honor of family and friends make services and collections possible in all our branches. Give the gift of books and programs for every age. Join us in celebrating libraries all year round.
-Janis O’Driscoll, President