The Friends have a long-time relationship with our generous supporters at New Leaf Community Markets. It is coming up on voting time for their Envirotokens program, which rewards customers for bringing and using reusable bags when they shop at New Leaf. For each bag, you get a token, which you can give to the charity of their choice. From June 7th – June 20th, customers can vote at each store for which charities will be supported at each location. So please, when you are shopping at New Leaf, whichever store it is, be sure to vote for the Friends to be on the list. The top 6 vote getters per store will be included in the next round which goes from July 1st through year end. Many thanks to our good friends at New Leaf, and if you are near the new Branciforte branch, stop in and see the New Leaf Community Markets teen room!