Thank you so much to our 2021 Capital Campaign donors!

Join us!

Visionaries $100,000 and above


In Memory of Norman and Blossom Dorosin

Guardians $50,000 – $99,999

Patrick and Martha Dexter in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Bob Fifield

Live Like Coco

Jim and Christina Martin

Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz

Builders $20,000 – $49,999

Friends of the Aptos Public Library

Debby Peronto in Memory of Joanne Peronto who loved libraries and gardens

Kaiser Permanente

New Leaf Community Markets

Mark Reed in Memory of Cousins Agnes van Eck Reed and Karl Mertz

Foundation $10,000 – $19,999

Linda and John Burroughs in Memory of Allison Endert

Linda and John Burroughs in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Ryan and Emily Coonerty in Memory of Allison Endert

Birdie Hunter and Donna Meyers

Carol Fuller

Allen and Shirley Ginzburg in Memory of Louis Sapiro

Martín and Virtudes Gómez  in Memory of Eleanor Torres Gomez Valdespino

Kaiser Permanente

Bill and Cynthia Mathews in Memory of Allison Endert

Bill and Cynthia Mathews in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Cynthia and Bill Mathews

Eileen Miller

Robin and Doug Engfer Charitable Fund

Helen and Will Webster Foundation

Rachel Wedeen

Mr. Thomas Welk and Dr. Ariel Lang

Groundbreaker $5,000 – $9,999

Reed and Rikke Addis in Memory of Allison Endert

Rachel Dann and Simon Black in Memory of Allison Endert

Gale Farthing and Jim Bourne in Memory of Merritt Taylor and Emily Galli

The Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries in Honor of Rebekah Scott

Carol Fuller in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Carol Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herman

Sandi Imperio

Cindy Jackson

Beth and Guy Kawasaki

Ed Malloy

Janis O`Driscoll

Deanna Sessums in Memory of Allison Endert

Andy Schiffrin in Memory of Allison Endert

The Shirlen Fund

Sunlight Giving

Melissa Whatley and Geoff Arnold in Memory of Allison Endert

Tricia Wynne

Construction Crew $1,000 – $4,999


Dr’s Keith and Muoi Arnold in Memory of Allison Endert

Robert J. and Lillie S. Bailey

Bailey Properties

Sharon Barrett

Greg, Alison and Brian Blackwell

The Bonifacio-Redula Family

Sarah Clark

Coldwell Banker Realty

Neal Coonerty in Memory of Allison Endert

Ellyn Corey and Tom Sartor in Memory of Colin Cotter

Terry Corwin in Memory of Allison Endert

Bruce and Diane Cotter in Memory of Betsy Cotter and Colin Cotter

Bruce and Diane Cotter

Arley T. Dann in Memory of Allison Endert

Dell Williams Jewelers in Memory of Allison Endert

Ken and Kathy Doctor

Edna Elkins

ExxonMobil Foundation

Gale Farthing and Jim Bourne in Memory of Merritt Taylor

Friends of Mark Stone for Assembly 2022 in Memory of Allison Endert

Melanie and Mike Freitas

John and Robin Fuchs

Carol Fuller in Memory of Allison Endert

Renée Golder

James Gordon in Memory of Allison Endert

Jeff and Vicki Gordon in Memory of Allison Endert

Margaret Gordon

Matt and Brooke Gridley in Honor of Sisi and Cher Gridley

Rudy E Grimaldo in Memory of Allison Endert

Teri Handzel

Janet Heien

Connie Hendry

Jon, Melissa, Caroline, Catherine, Madeline, and Andrew Hensley

Michael and Linda Hopper

Kathy Huntley and Bob Dugwyler in Memory of Allison Endert

Erik and Judy Johnson

Ursula Kaiser

John Laird and John Flores in Memory of Allison Endert

John Laird and John Flores in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Margaret N. Gordon

Bob and Marty Martin

The Mattson Family in Memory of Allison Endert

Mesiti-Miller Murphy Fund

Andrew and Denise Miller in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Mark Miller and Mary Dexter in Memory of Carolyn Miller

John and Ellen Moir

Virginia Morris

Donna Mosich and Ben Elizer

Linda and Dave Murphy

Jaelene Nelson in Memory of Allison Endert

Lynn McNussen in Memory of Brian McNussen

Martyn-Novello Family Foundation

John and Ellen Moir

Janis O`Driscoll

Lisa and Rafael Ortiz

The Pellerin Family Fund

Gail Pellerin in Memory of Allison Endert

Gail Pellerin in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Pfotenhauer Wilshusen Family in Memory of Allison Endert

Jodi Graber Pratt in Memory of Wil and Jeanne Graber

Protti Family Fund in Memory of Allison Endert

Cory Ray and Craig Rowland

Deb Tracy-Proulx and Tim Proulx in Memory of Allison Endert

Santa Cruz Beach, LLC

Santa Cruz Elks Lodge #824

Santa Cruz Pipefitters

Santa Cruz Rotary Foundation

Nina, Sibley, and Rocket Simon

Pat and Kirk Smith Family

Jenn Tang in Memory of Allison Endert

US Bank

Martine Watkins in Memory of Allison Endert

Campbell, Meredith, Weston and Miller Wharton in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Cody Work in Memory of Bonni Curran

Helene Woolsey

Community Support


Anonymous in Memory of Allison Endert

Elizabeth S. Abrams in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Nancy Abrams

Laura Albrecht

Jennifer Anderson in Memory of Allison Endert

Margaret Arnold in Memory of Allison Endert

The Patten/Astone Family Trust

Rod Atchison in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Donna Baldini

Emily Balli in Memory of Allison Endert

Charles Barnes

Barbara Bautz in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Kimberly Begala in Memory of Allison Endert

Tom and Lili Beggs in Memory of Allison Endert

Katherine Beiers

Ted Benhari in Memory of Allison Endert

Christi J Berger in Memory of Anita Berger

Kaye Beth

Elissa Benson in Memory of Allison Endert

Rachel Bickert in Memory of Allison Endert

Big Creek Lumber Co. in Memory of Allison Endert

Larry Biggam in Memory of Allison Endert

Carole and Larry Birndorf

Joya Birns

Harry and Mary Blanchard

Donna Blitzer in Memory of Allison Endert

Vanessa Bonifacio-Redula and Jason Redula

Morgan Bostic in Memory of Allison Endert

Emma Jean and Barry Bowman

Steven Brodsky

David Brody in Memory of Allison Endert

J.M. Brown in Memory of Allison Endert

Sandy Brown in Memory of Allison Endert

Sonja Brunner

Christine Bunting and Richard Wohlfeiler

Joyce Burnett

Thomas Burns in Memory of Allison Endert

Rob and Colleen Butterfield

Toni and David Campbell in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Charles Canfield in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Greg Caput in Memory of Allison Endert

Ann Chapin

Cynthia Chase

Angela M Chestnut in Memory of Allison Endert

Julia Chiapella

Ceil Cirillo  in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Nicole and Chris Coburn in Memory of Allison Endert

Curt and Carolyn Coleman in Memory of Allison Endert

Mary Lois and Lynn Comeskey

Cynthia Copple

Monica and Simon Cornish

Jeffrey and J-P Correa in Memory of Allison Endert

Dan Coughlin in Memory of Allison Endert

Barbara Coy-Bulicz Melissa Whatley and Geoff Arnold

Diane Crawford in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Shan Crockett

Connie Croker and Matt Farrell in Memory of Allison Endert

Pete Cullen

Justin Cummings in Memory of Allison Endert

Abby Cunniff

Rachel Dann and Simon Black in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Davenport North Coast Association in Memory of Allison Endert

Dawn Patrol Fund in Memory of Allison Endert

Rebecca Davis and Jacques Ferare

Eric Decker in Memory of Morgan Decker-Stone

Patrick and Martha Dexter in Memory of Allison Endert

Jan and Edwin Dexter in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Joe and Carolyn Dickinson

Jack and Lisa Dilles in Memory of Allison Endert

Jack and Lisa Dilles in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Distinct Property Management

Peggy Dolgenos in Memory of Allison Endert

  1. William Domhoff in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Katharine W. Donovan

Terry Dorsey in Memory of Allison Endert

Nancy Drinkard in Memory of Allison Endert

Edith Driscoll in Memory of Allison Endert

Rena Dubin and Harlan Glatt in Memory of Bill Mathews

Rena Dubin and Harlan Glatt in Memory of Allison Endert

Max and Suzanne Duckler

Eve Eden

Kent Edler in Memory of Allison Endert

Erik Edmonds in Memory of Allison Endert

Deborah M Elston in Memory of Allison Endert

Victoria Erickson

Erik’s Delicafe

Cecilia Espinola in Memory of Allison Endert

Jack Farr

Samuel Farr in Memory of Allison Endert

Matt Farrell

Jean Fetler

Stefan Fish in Memory of Allison Endert

Heidi and Joseph Fisher

Joel Ann and Mahlon Foote

Jon and Abbey Francisco

Judith Fried and Robert Scowcroft

Zach Friend

Zach Friend in Memory of Allison Endert

Glenn and Sandy Fuller in Memory of Allison Endert

Connie Gabriel and Tom Wilson

Kaitilin Gaffney and David Carlson in Memory of Allison Endert

Alexander Gaguine in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Ofelia Garcia

Les and Nancy Gardner in Memory of Allison Endert

Sally Gaynor

Reed Geisreiter in Memory of Allison Endert

Reed Geisreiter in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Nancy Gere

Elizabeth Gilbert

Joan Gilbert Martin

James and Catharine Gill in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Susan St. John Gliner in Memory of Allison Endert

Renée Golder in Memory of Allison Endert

Alan and Susan Goldstein Tom Hearn in Memory of Allison Endert

Leslie Goodfriend in Memory of Allison Endert

Jody Greene in Honor of Mayor Donna Meyers

David Grobe and Karin Heintz

Peg Guerrieri in Memory of Allison Endert

Allison Guevara in Memory of Allison Endert

Gamilla Gutman

Brent and Luisa Haddad in Memory of Allison Endert

Dan and Rebecca Haifley in Memory of Allison Endert

Dan and Rebecca Haifley in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Robert Half

Lorene Hall and Ralph Carmichael

Joe Hall in Honor of Marcella Hall

Marcella and Joe Hall in Memory of Allison Endert

Ben and Millie Halpern in Memory of Gene Smith

Jennifer Hansen in Memory of Allison Endert

Stephanie Harlan in Memory of Allison Endert

Stephanie Harlan in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Amy and David Harrington

Jason Heath in Memory of Allison Endert

Karen Hellgren-Allen

Marla Henry

Tom Hearn in Memory of Allison Endert

Jessica Hernandez in Memory of Allison Endert

Ethel Herring

Dina Hoffman in Memory of Allison Endert

Eric Hoffman in Memory of Allison Endert

Denise and Alan Holbert in Memory of Allison Endert

Robin and Larry Holland

Khristina Horn in Memory of Allison Endert

Stephen Houlihan and Marlene Mirassou

Ramon and Barbra Huntley

Betty and Robert Imlay

Cindy Jackson in Honor of Carolyn Miller

Nancy and Brad Jackson

Shirley and Marty Jackson

Mary James in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Chere Johnson

Gertie Johnson

Virginia Johnson

Pamela Jones in Memory of Allison Endert

Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson in Memory of Allison Endert

Dennis and Marilyn Kanemura

Karon Properties

Fred Keeley in Memory of Allison Endert

Carol Kelly in Memory of Allison Endert

Linda Kittle

Helen and Gary Klee

David and Sharon Kluger

Alice Kollman

Gabrielle Korte in Memory of Allison Endert

Karen Kurokawa

Heather Lahr

Karen Lambert and Clay Madden

Don Lane and Mary Howe in Memory of Allison Endert

Catherine Larrick

Susan Lasko and Jeffrey Werner

Sandra and John Laue

Owen I Lawlor in Memory of Allison Endert

Arnold Leff in Memory of Allison Endert

John and Teresa Leopold in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Paia Levine in Memory of Allison Endert

Rabbi Rick and Nancy Litvak in Memory of Allison Endert

Carolyn and Sean Livingston in Memory of Allison Endert

Hollie Locatelli in Memory of Allison Endert

Samuel Loforti in Memory of Allison Endert

Don Lane and Mary Howe

Jackie Lee-Kang

Steve Leonard

Larry and Diane Levin

Rabbi Rick and Nancy Litvak

Carolyn and Sean Livingston in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Sheilah and John Lynch

Christine Lyons in Memory of Allison Endert

Holly Ma in Honor of Mike Rotkin

R J Mackey in Memory of Allison Endert

Sally Maier

Patricia Manning in Memory of Allison Endert

Geraldine Martin

Lora Lee Martin in Memory of Allison Endert

Mary Martin Gill

John and Dorene Masterman

Susan Mauriello in Memory of Allison Endert

Bill and Paula Maxfield in Memory of Allison Endert

Sharon Maxwell

Maureen McCarty in Memory of Allison Endert

Cabell and Pat McCormick in Memory of Allison Endert

Geri McGillicuddy

John and Katherine McKeon

Mary McMillan in Memory of Allison Endert

Jon McNussen in Memory of Brian McNussen

Bruce and Mary McPherson in Memory of Allison Endert

Nicholas Meltzer and Anita Diaz

Paul and Maggie Merrell in Memory of Allison Endert

Nancy Merritt

Eileen Miller

Matthew Miller and Janet Kaseda in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Michael Miller in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Marjie, Craig, Julie, Bernardo, Melanie, and James, in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Kate Minott in Memory of Allison Endert

Bruce Mitchell

Jill and Denis Mitsch

Don and Carol Monkerud

Ken Moonie

Jim and Michele Mosher

Gail Mowatt

Kris Munro in Memory of Allison Endert

Chris Murphy in Memory of Allison Endert

Ellen Murthain Memory of Allison Endert

Katie Nelson in Memory of Allison Endert

Brooke Newman in Memory of Allison Endert

Beverly and Craig Norleen

Richelle Noroyan in Memory of Allison Endert

Lance and Annemarie Nottle in Honor of Annemarie Nottle

Janis O`Driscoll in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Kathleen Olsen

Robert Orrizzi in Memory of Allison Endert

Arlyn Osborne in Memory of Allison Endert

Carlos Palacios in Memory of Allison Endert

Casey and Joe Palascak in Memory of Allison Endert

Corky and Paula Panelli in Memory of Allison Endert

Jimmy Panetta in Memory of Allison Endert

Sharon Esther Papo in Honor of Chelsey Souza

Ajita Patel in Memory of Allison Endert

Gary and Marilyn Patton in Memory of Allison Endert

Christine Pavan

Susan Pierce

Debby Peronto

Charles Perrone and Regina Rheda in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Sarah and Marv Peterson in Memory of Claire Elise Frankel

Pfotenhauer Wilshusen Family in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Douglas and Jill Plante

Robin and Rick Polse

Ron Pomerantz and Jane Weed in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Calvin and Sharon Potter

Linda Proctor in Memory of Allison Endert

Casey Coonerty Protti in Memory of Bill Mathews

Diane Prucher

Ellen Reay

Juliana Rebagliati in Memory of Allison Endert

Dave Reid in Memory of Allison Endert

Emily Reilly

Leana Richmond

Rieber, Fohs & Associates in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Alan W Ritch

Kate Roberts in Memory of Allison Endert

Renee Roberts in Honor of Donna Mosich

Robinson Family Trust

Barbara Robinson

Eliane Roe

Susan Roesch in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Vivian Rogers

Lisa Rose in Memory of Allison Endert

Scott Roseman and Jasmine Berke in Memory of Allison Endert

Phyllis Rosenblum

Phyllis Rosenblum in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Mike Rotkin and Madelyn McCaul

Mike Rotkin and Madelyn McCaul in Memory of Allison Endert

Johan Rubens and Laura Marcus in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Dorothy Ruby

John and Enid Rusev

Sean Saldavia in Memory of Allison Endert

Robin Salsburg

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in Memory of Allison Endert

Santa Cruz Sunrise Rotary

Malcolm and Evelyn Scott

Rebekah Scott

Rebekah Scott in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Rebekah Scott in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Doreen Schack in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Susan Schenck

Barlow J Schuyler

Janet Schwind

David Schwingel

Dorian Seamster

Dorian Seamster in Memory of Allison Endert

Martha Seaver and Scott Walecka

Melodye Serino in Memory of Allison Endert

Kimberly Sessums in Memory of Allison Endert

Deanna Sessums in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Sheinbaum Family in Memory of Allison Endert

Nancy Sherrod in Memory of Allison Endert

Joyce Shimizu

Gary Silberstein and Joan DeNeffe in Honor of Nora Brink

Cassondra J Simon in Memory of Allison Endert

Lynne M Simpson in Honor of Janis O’Driscoll

Michael and Delora Simpson

Lorraine Sintetos and Ted Silveira

Lee Slaff in Honor of Robert B. Suhr

Dennis and Ramona Smith in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Rachael Spencer in Memory of Allison Endert

David South

Chelsey and Adam Souza

Chelsey and Adam Souza in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Chelsey and Adam Souza in Memory of Colin Patrick Cotter

Chelsey and Adam Souza in Memory of Eleanor Torres Gomez Valdespino

Caryn and Craig Stanton in Memory of Allison Endert

Mark Stephens in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Sheree Storm in Memory of Allison Endert

Bob and Phyllis Strickland in Memory of Allison Endert

Jim Sullivan

Janet Swann in Memory of Allison Endert

Lysa Tabachnick

Judith Victoria Tarter in Memory of Colin Patrick Cotter

Donna and Peter Thomas

Ellen Timberlake in Memory of Allison Endert

Isabelle Tuncer in Memory of Allison Endert

Mari Tustin in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Lee and Mary Vaage

Valley Women’s Club Women’s Solutions Committee in Memory of Allison Endert

Martha Vicinus in Memory of Carolyn Miller

Allyson Violante in Memory of Allison Endert

The Walker Family in Memory of Allison Endert

Denise Ward

Judy and Jim Warner in Memory of Allison Endert

Michael and Anne Watkins in Memory of Allison Endert

Janet Webb in Memory of Allison Endert

John and Nancy Weitzel in Memory of Allison Endert

Melissa Whatley and Geoff Arnold in Honor of Mike Rotkin

Plasha Will in Memory of Allison Endert

Linda Wilson

Victoria and Richard Wilson

Marc Winquist

Jennifer Wolfenden in Memory of Allison Endert

Marcie Wollesen

P.J. Wright in Honor of Michael Fuqua

Judith Wylie

Kathy Zappa

Ann and Dave Zweig

Brian and Carol Zwetzig